We got to Durban International Airport, or rather King Shaka International Airport, now at it's new location. And my 2 little helpers were so cute!
It was so hard saying goodbye, I cried my heart out and just took forever hugging everyone. With Cameron just wanting to get out of there. He is not good with goodbyes so he likes it to be brief, I on the other hand just didn't want to say goodbye! Thankfully we weren't too late, we were the last people to get on the plane but we got on nevertheless. I don't know if it's a sign or anything, but as soon as we got on the plane and started to taxi, it literally started pouring with rain and storming, with lightning & thunder. The sky got black and it just poured down! It was as if what was in our hearts came through on the earth. For a moment I thought our flight would be cancelled, but we waited about 10 minutes then finally took off. It was so hard leaving Durban and the hardest part was that it wasn't actually over. We still had to see Wayne & Tish is Jo'burg which started the flooding of tears all over again. They must have thought I was so rude, but I just had no conversation. I just hung onto Cameron for dear life. I kept thinking f my mu, my brother and my nieces & nephew, of my in-laws and all our friends. And all I wanted to do was cry! But I put on a brave face and we finally went through Immigration and to International departures and found our gate.
Cameron found the Soccer World cup mascot, Zakumi and because we missed the World Cup in South Africa, he had to take a picture!
We flew from Jo'burg to Perth, Australia (6 hour flight) and when we got to Perth we had a few hours to waste. Perth International isn't a very big airport, so we didn't do much "window shopping" so just had some lunch and wasted some time and then got onto another 6 hour flight to Auckland.
We wasted time by logging onto Facebook and doing some blogging.
We eventually we got to Auckland and our friend Lenny & his dad picked us up!
It felt so weird being back. We just couldn't get over the fact that our holiday was over. Anyway, after 4 weeks of holiday it's time to get back to life as we know it!