Well the 8 months that mum's been here has finally come to an end. This week we had to say goodbye and it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Mum was quite sad most of the week but we managed to keep her spirits up. Everytime she looked at Darian she would be reminded that this was her last week here with us and she would hug him tightly. To start off the week and to say thank you, we took mum to Marvel Grill Restaurant (http://www.northwharf.co.nz/North-Wharf/Restaurants-Details-Page.aspx?ID=13&Title=Marvel Grill) at Wynyard Quarter. It was a beautiful summers day and we had a lovely Sunday lunch together. Darian was in his element as usual and kept restaurant patrons oohing & aahing at his antics and cute behaviour. We then followed lunch with yummy gelato at Gelatiamo (http://www.nzicecream.org.nz/Gelatiamo.htm). We then got some nice pics of mum and Darian so she could take some with her.
We had a lovely afternoon together and in a small way was our way of just saying thank you mum for the time you've spent with us over the past 8 months. I can't believe how fast it's come. Mum arrived 3 weeks before Darian was due so she got to see me in all my pregnant glory and was there when he was born, helped me through the hard first weeks of motherhood and was my saving grace when sleep eluded me. I don't know how we would have managed without her. She was a real blessing and I am definitely going to miss her. Yes we had our times of disagreement as we do, but nothing can ever express the gratitude I have for her leaving home for so long to come and help me & Cameron with Darian. We are forever grateful.
Thanks mum.
Thursday proved a very long day for me. Mum's flight was at 6am so she had to be at the airport at 4am, so we left Darian & Cameron sleeping and headed off to the airport about 3:30am. We then got her checked in and as she had to still go through passport control and through the international terminal, she said a quick goodbye and headed off. We both didn't want to prolong it and knew it would be easier and less messy if we had a quick goodbye. One thing I love about Auckland International Airport, there are no window panels where you can sneak a last peak and wave goodbye to family still hanging around for one last glimpse of you, it's in through the gate and gone. So I quickly headed to the car and once I was alone, it hit me... my mother was leaving! It was a bot hard to get through but thankfully when I got home I had big strong arms to comfort me. And a cute little button that was ever so loving when he woke up, which made things so much better.
We then had to get Darian off to school. I had taken the day off because I knew it would be an early morning but also because it was Darian's school outing to Ambury Animal farm in Mangere, South Auckland (http://regionalparks.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/ambury). As it was his first excursion with the school I couldn't miss it. It was still a bit cold and overcast but we still went ahead. One thing about us Aucklanders, rain never stops your plans!! At school they got all the kids ready and we headed off in the hired bus, which I may add was Darian's first trip in a bus, ever. He was uber-excited and couldn't stop looking at everything and taking it all in.
When we got to the Farm, we were the one of 3 parties that were there so we pretty much had it all to ourselves. We got to see the cows being milked, they chose a cow called Clover, we also went round and saw the pigs, turkeys, chickens, sheep, goats, and other farm animals. Ambury is a working farm that is owned by Auckland Council, so although its open to the public you can actually see exactly how the farm works, it's not just animals in enclosures. Darian wasn't too interested in the animals, he just wanted to get on the grass and crawl around. But it had been raining so the grass was wet so he wasn't happy that I wasn't letting him down. And I think he was more interested in the other kids than he was in the animals. There were a few parents with their kids so it was really interactive for both parents and kids.
But, crazy Auckland weather, we had a downpour just as we were finishing up and had to find shelter while we waited for the bus. It was getting quite late and the bus hadn't arrived so the centre manager (Charmaine) rang the bus company only to find out that the driver had parked about 2km's away, he was parked in Ambury Road and not at the entrance to Ambury Farm. It was frustrating at the time because you think how dumb can one person be, you're picking up a whole bunch of kids can you not put together that they would be at Amburty Farm and not at some random road? So all the poor littlies were crammed into this little shelter that was the information centre. Thankfully they weren't too interested cos being kids, they enjoyed singing and the entertainment they each provided. The teachers there are wonderful and really know how to keep the kids going, even when a curve ball is thrown at them. Darian fell asleep and as I had forgotten his pram in the car I had no where to lay him down so carrying my little man proved quite the arm workout for me. Needless to say by the time we got on the bus it was pure relief to sit down!
When we got back to the school we got him changed and headed home. I was so tired so I was planning on having an afternoon nap with him. But he had other plans, he was full of energy and just wanted to play. By the time he was tired out, it was time to get dinner ready... no rest for mummy! .
So it started off as a sad day but ended on a good note cos I got to experience a lot of "firsts" for my boy.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
New Zealand's Got Talent 2012
I must say, since Mum's been here we are really getting our fix of reality tv, but one of the most exciting shows we've been watching is NZGT. This country is really full of talented people and it's nice to finally have this show hit our shores. We've been watching since the beginning and its interesting to see how far our favourites are getting. There's a guy who sings and his name is Kale so it's obvious we're rooting for him, although my favourites are the dance crews or other other talent crews, other than the singers. I mean, there are so many singing contests out there so it'll be nice for people with other talents getting their fair share of fame.
My favourites are JGeeks, which are a contemporary, Moari Kapa Haka dance group that infuse modern dance sets and comedy with traditional Moari performing arts.
They are so uber-cool and are definitely my fave to win. There is also Prestige Dance Crew which are an Auckland based hip hop dance crew that are simply incredible. Their acrobatics and creative choreography are really something to watch in awe.
And rounding up my top three is Zane and Degge, a Wellington based juggling-brother's duo which do some pretty amazing stuff.
They aren't just the usual "juggle a few balls in the air" duo but do some really crazy things. They keep enticing the audience and the judges with a loaf of bread. They keep it next to them while they do their stint so you think it's part of the act, but when it's over you realise, "hey, nothing with the bread?" They did that at their first audition and when the judges asked them they candidly said, "put us in round 2 and you'll see". So they did but we've yet to see what they'll do!
NZGT is sponsored by Toyota NZ and since Toyota is one of our biggest customers at work they offered us tickets to go to one of the semi-finals. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity and as mum is a huge fan, Cameron agreed to stay home with Darian so mum & I could go to the show. What we didn't realise though was that, it's not live! It's a taping of the show which airs on Sunday night, and the actual taping was on Tuesday night, so what we thought would be an hour ended up being three hours. It was ridiculously fun though. We had to clap and give standing ovations and were directed by the stage manager and team, and poor Tamati Coffey (the host) had to do a few takes every now and then cos he would mess up his lines or we wouldn't be quiet or wouldn't clap on cue, as it goes.
The judges were Jason Kerrison of the NZ rock group OpShop, we saw them live once, they were the opening act for the Simply Red concert we went to a while ago; then there was singer-songwriter legend Ali Campbell of UB40 fame and famous NZ supermodel Rachel Hunter. I don't know if I was more excited to see these people up close or whether being on TV was more appealing, but nonetheless we had an awesome night. We went to the fourth Semi final so we saw two of my faves perform, Zane & Degge and Prestige. Zane & Degge did an awesome and totally mind-boggling UV light performance, so the stage and auditorium went dark and all you saw was balls flying in the air... which was amazing, you had to be there to understand. Here's the You Tube clip link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrCbX-DOBdk
Prestige did another great dance set which had me up on my feet, and it didn't help that all the Prestige fans were right behind me with their banners and stuff so I really got into it. Here's their link for the performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJcWYAn7-e0.
I could seriously watch this clip over and over again... and it's even better when you catch a glimpse of me! LOL! I love how they end it with "Stacey's Mom" cos we all know Rachel Hunter was in that music video and I can tell you one thing, that woman is amazingly beautiful in real life and amazingly tall. She towered over the two guys, and it didn't help she was wearing 6-inch heels. We also saw Kale Simpson, Clara Van Wel and William Fairbain perform, all three singers, although Clara is my fave out of the three.
At the beginning of the show they have the top three from the previous Semi Final come out and tell you which of the 2 progress to the final and so I got to see my fave crew, JGeeks progress along with Evan Sinton (Singer). Sadly I didn't get to meet the judges cos as it ended the judges table was surrounded and I though it's past 10pm, I miss my baby! All in all, it was a great night out. We then met one of the security guards who also does our Cruise Ship arrivals so he says he can get us tickets to another Semi-final or the actual Final so I'm hoping we get to go again, this time Cameron can come along.
If you want to see what JGeeks is all about, click on this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjEQ8nt-Gvw
New Zealand has some SERIOUS TALENT!!!
My favourites are JGeeks, which are a contemporary, Moari Kapa Haka dance group that infuse modern dance sets and comedy with traditional Moari performing arts.

They are so uber-cool and are definitely my fave to win. There is also Prestige Dance Crew which are an Auckland based hip hop dance crew that are simply incredible. Their acrobatics and creative choreography are really something to watch in awe.

And rounding up my top three is Zane and Degge, a Wellington based juggling-brother's duo which do some pretty amazing stuff.

They aren't just the usual "juggle a few balls in the air" duo but do some really crazy things. They keep enticing the audience and the judges with a loaf of bread. They keep it next to them while they do their stint so you think it's part of the act, but when it's over you realise, "hey, nothing with the bread?" They did that at their first audition and when the judges asked them they candidly said, "put us in round 2 and you'll see". So they did but we've yet to see what they'll do!
NZGT is sponsored by Toyota NZ and since Toyota is one of our biggest customers at work they offered us tickets to go to one of the semi-finals. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity and as mum is a huge fan, Cameron agreed to stay home with Darian so mum & I could go to the show. What we didn't realise though was that, it's not live! It's a taping of the show which airs on Sunday night, and the actual taping was on Tuesday night, so what we thought would be an hour ended up being three hours. It was ridiculously fun though. We had to clap and give standing ovations and were directed by the stage manager and team, and poor Tamati Coffey (the host) had to do a few takes every now and then cos he would mess up his lines or we wouldn't be quiet or wouldn't clap on cue, as it goes.
The judges were Jason Kerrison of the NZ rock group OpShop, we saw them live once, they were the opening act for the Simply Red concert we went to a while ago; then there was singer-songwriter legend Ali Campbell of UB40 fame and famous NZ supermodel Rachel Hunter. I don't know if I was more excited to see these people up close or whether being on TV was more appealing, but nonetheless we had an awesome night. We went to the fourth Semi final so we saw two of my faves perform, Zane & Degge and Prestige. Zane & Degge did an awesome and totally mind-boggling UV light performance, so the stage and auditorium went dark and all you saw was balls flying in the air... which was amazing, you had to be there to understand. Here's the You Tube clip link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrCbX-DOBdk
Prestige did another great dance set which had me up on my feet, and it didn't help that all the Prestige fans were right behind me with their banners and stuff so I really got into it. Here's their link for the performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJcWYAn7-e0.
I could seriously watch this clip over and over again... and it's even better when you catch a glimpse of me! LOL! I love how they end it with "Stacey's Mom" cos we all know Rachel Hunter was in that music video and I can tell you one thing, that woman is amazingly beautiful in real life and amazingly tall. She towered over the two guys, and it didn't help she was wearing 6-inch heels. We also saw Kale Simpson, Clara Van Wel and William Fairbain perform, all three singers, although Clara is my fave out of the three.
At the beginning of the show they have the top three from the previous Semi Final come out and tell you which of the 2 progress to the final and so I got to see my fave crew, JGeeks progress along with Evan Sinton (Singer). Sadly I didn't get to meet the judges cos as it ended the judges table was surrounded and I though it's past 10pm, I miss my baby! All in all, it was a great night out. We then met one of the security guards who also does our Cruise Ship arrivals so he says he can get us tickets to another Semi-final or the actual Final so I'm hoping we get to go again, this time Cameron can come along.
If you want to see what JGeeks is all about, click on this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjEQ8nt-Gvw
New Zealand has some SERIOUS TALENT!!!
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