I grew up in a very religious home and listening to any secular music was a complete no no so listening to these songs were not encouraged by my folks and neither was going to concerts. So as much as I wanted to see her live, I wouldn't have been able to should she had ever come to South Africa. And she never did while I was in SA. And I noticed as I gre older that she mostly did Asia-Pacific and the U.S. So my dream of ever seeing her live had become just that, a dream. A few years back I missed an opportunity to see her live in Sydney while we were holidaying in Australia. As sad as that was for me it was near impossible and I just had to get over it. With the release of "Me. I am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse" this year she announced her first world tour in what I think is 6 years. I knew she'd go to Australia but when I heard she was coming to New Zealand for the first time ever, the shriek that belted out of me was enough for anyone to know that come hell or high water I would be there. Needless to say, the day the tickets went on sale I was online and ready to buy. My darling husband purchased me Diaomnd Reserve tickets which meant I was guaranteed a seat within the first few rows. I was ecstatic!
I waited for a month and a half and when the day came I couldn't contain my excitement. When she walked onto the stage, I, unlike all the screaming fans, burst into uncontrollable tears. I'd been waiting a lifetime to see this woman in person and to hear that voice with my own ears. And from the fifth row, it felt like it was just me and her in the room. Every song in her set transported me not only to a little slice of heaven but to a moment in my life where her album was the soundtrack of my life. From her opener, Daydream, where an 12 year old me would want to learn how to roller skate cos she did so in her video, to "crybaby" when a 16 year old version of me went out to buy my own very first Mariah Carey album with money I'd been saving for months. Even singing "Touch My body" I remembered this being my first album she released since immigrating to NZ. So much of my life has been lived with a Mariah album playing in the background.
Needless to say I didn't sit down throughout her concert. I enjoyed every song, even listening to Trey Lorenze, who both Cameron and I were so excited to see. It was such a memorable night, one I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I said to Cameron that I could die a happy woman, when I do, and as dramatic as that sounds, it's so true. Seeing her has been something I've wanted for so long and anyone who is passionate about something in their life would understand that. I'm a passionate MC fan or "Lamb" as she affectionately calls her fans and seeing her live has made me even more so.
Here are just some snaps Cameron took while at the concert and some from before the show, with friends of ours and of Titanium, the opening act, NZ's very own. Boy band.