So as I mentioned in our last post we're on holiday in Australia visiting Brads and Sham and little Xavier. The in laws arrived on Christmas Eve. Darian was stunned when he saw his Pa and couldn't believe that Pa was actually here.
Needless to say he hasn't left Pa's side since he arrived, but I don't know who's enjoying it more. We were planning on going to the Christmas lights display, as we did last year, but the in laws were quite jet lagged and we decided to best leave it for another day.
Christmas morning we opened presents and watching Darian open his gifts and of course the amazing gift from his aunty and uncle, a huge train set, was the highlight of the day. He hasn't worried about anything else since it was opened. Cameron and Bradley had to do a bit of a mad dash to find a shop that was opened as we realised once the set was opened, that it needed batteries. Anyway, two trips later they had all the batteries needed to get the train set ready for play. Once that was set up, that was Darian for the rest of Christmas day. He absolutely loves it and they couldn't have bought a better present.
Love this pic of mum & dad with their 4 boys
Xavier opening his first Christmas present
Cameron loved his Raiders cap that Brads & Sham bought him.
It was also so cool to be a part of Xavier's first Christmas. He may not fully understand what all the fuss is about, but having this time with him and Darian, and the family is just so amazing.
We ended the gift opening with a very special gift for Pa and Nana.
Their reactions are priceless. And they are super excited to be grandparents again.
We then got about cooking Christmas dinner. Brad made his yummy Roast lamb, along with creamy chicken and veg pie. I made Italian Chicken Bake, but forgot the olives and needless to say it wasn't as yummy as it normally is. That went with some garlic bread and Sham made some veggies as well. We had intended for it to be Christmas lunch but it turned out to be an early dinner.
Our Christmas Table
We spent the rest of the day just lounging around as it was way too hot to do anything else.
These two cousins watching the Train go round and round
On Boxing Day we decided to go to the beach. A fun idea and a fun time that ended with me doing something totally stupid. In my excitement to get into the water and my dash to not let Darian notice I was leaving him with his grandparents, I ran into the water and dove head first with my specs on. Not the brightest moment but in that one single moment, my glasses were gone forever. A pricey mistake that I'll never repeat! Bradley took pity on me and lent me a pair of his old glasses, better than me being totally without sight for the whole holiday. So anyway, a nice relaxing afternoon ruined by my moment of not thinking!
It's been extremely hot here in Newcastle, I am so not used to this kind of heat anymore. Too acclimatised to New Zealand's cooler weather. Although Auckland does get quite hot in summer, there's always a nice, cool breeze to help you out. We always compare Auckland's summer to Durban's spring. Hot but bearable. So, yeah we haven't been getting out of the house much, as it's just too hot to do anything. Don't want to spend too much time in the sun with the kids so when we do go to the beach we try to go after 4pm, when the UV danger subsides. But looked at the weather the other day and the UV danger was between like 8.15am and 5.45pm! I was gobsmacked! Only in Australia... that's why Aus & NZ have the highest number of skin cancer patients in the world! It's insane. So we've been trying to keep out of the sun most days, thankfully Brads' house has airconditioning. The boys took their parents to Hillsongs in Sydney on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year and left us mums with our baby boys at home. It's a 2 hour drive to Sydney from Newcastle and we didn't want to take 2 cars so we stayed home with the kids. It was quite a treat for Cam's parents.
For New Years we took a drive to Hunter Valley to see the Christmas lights. Darian thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the firework display.
When we got home, Darian was asleep and we got on with our New Years celebrations. Sham battled with Xavier a bit and he eventually slept about 11pm. The boys were busy bbq'ing and of course getting into the New Years spirit. Drinks were up and the music system was set up on the verandah and the party was on. They were having a fabulous time. We eventually ate and waited for the countdown.

We eventually got into bed about 3am. Darian was up by 7am, as usual. Spent New Years Day baking in the Aussie heat. About lunchtime I had to go throw a dirty diaper in the bin outside. On route to said bin, I noticed something in the corner of my eye, low and behold, a red-bellied-black snake was curled up in the shade next to the garage door. Talk about worst nightmares coming to life. The hands on reptile park they took me to last year had nothing on this sighting. It was like looking into the eyes of pure evil. One of the most scariest moments of my life. I slowly backed away before it noticed me and ran into the house saying "snake" over and over! Cameron jumped to it and so did Brad and they were off hunting this snake. It must have been about 70-80cm long so just a baby. So we were quite worried the mother was around and that would be worse, theses snakes can grow up to 2.5m long. I'm not going to google a picture of these things, you can do that at your own risk. But they are ugly! And scary! You do not want to see these things in real life! Everyone was shocked that I was so calm but I wasn't. I felt so yucky and creepy after that and was never going to set foot out of the house and neither was Darian. While Brads & Cam hunted for the snake who had now disappeared, Sham rang animal control. It is illegal to kill snakes in Australia, all you can do is contain them. So we had to ring animal control to come try to capture this snake, but as it was a public holiday, their call out fee was AU$150 so we decided we, I mean the boys, would try to do this on their own. Let me just mention that these snakes are one of the most deadliest snakes in the world, and I think in the top 5 in Australia. They are not to be messed with. Thankfully everytime Cam & Brad would find it, it would make a quick escape. They can flatten themselves to slide under impossible gaps, which they saw for themselves. At one time it even got into strike mode when Cameron approached it, thank God it found an escape before Cameron got too close. Eventually it escaped into the neighbours yard and after that we have no idea where it went. The next day Cameron heard some commotion in one of the big trees down the road and we assumed the snake was in the tree that caused the birds to make such a ruckus. They have yet to find the snake. A few days later Sham showed me a news report of a King Brown Snake (the second or third most deadliest snake in Australia and the most deadliest in New South Wales) that had emerged from sea at a nearby beach, politely slithered to the lifeguard stand and sat in the shade for up to 2 hours and then very casually went back into the surf. Needless to say we did not go back to the beach at all! Gotta love Aus, between the dangerous creatures and the extreme heat, it sure is paradise! LOL! Seriously, how do people survive there I don't know! I love my little New Zealand, with no dangerous creatures, well besides the white tail spider, and cool, bearable summers. Ok, so it rains 9 months a year, so what! LOL!
Eventually we did leave the house. On Sunday we went to Brads and Sham's church, the Newcastle branch of Hillsongs. After church we went and had lunch at a hotel downtown. Later that evening the boys took their folks to the casino for a few hours of fun. And then on Monday, Sham, myself and mother in law took the bus to Charlestown mall. We had such a lovely time, just the 3 of us as we left the babies with their daddies and grandpa. It was the first time the 3 of us had ever been shopping together. In SA I used to go shopping with my mother in law all the time, as we worked together and we used to go to the mall in our lunch breaks, so going with her 2 daughter in laws was something to be cherished. We had a really good time, did some shopping and then had some lunch before catching the bus to get home.
Mother in law really spoiled us all though this holiday with all the yummy food. Every day was something we haven't had in years, including dhal ghos, masala biryani, sugar beans and roti, even braised spinach and other veggies for her pregnant daughter in law who couldn't stand the sight of meat. Brads even made me my favourite food of all, crab curry! It was so yum! And of course my darling father in law made his famous prawn chutney for us too. What a treat, no wonder I look like I'm about 5 months pregnant and I'm only 3 months! LOL!
So far the pregnancy is going well, I'm 12 weeks now and starting to feel a bit more human. The nausea is subsiding and food aversions slowly dissipating. I went for my 12 week blood test this morning and go for a scan in the next week or so. Also visit Renee on Tuesday.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. We left for Auckland on Friday the 9th. A very sad departure. Brads & Sham head to SA in April and we don't know when we will see the folks again. We are hoping that they will come to NZ in the next year or so to meet the new addition but we can't rely on that. It's way to expensive a trip to make annually. So we'll see. Cam's dad came along with us for the drive to Sydney and to keep Brads company on the way back. While Sham, mother in law and Xavier stayed home. It was, as usual, a very tearful goodbye. Darian was very excited to get on the plane so couldn't fully understand that he wouldn't see Pa and "uncle Brag-ly" for a long time. He was a champ on the flight home as he was going to Sydney. As he gets older he appreciates the flight more and more. We got into Auckland just after 11pm and eventually got home about 1am. It is quite sad to get home and know our holiday is over but nice to be back in our own space. Very bitter sweet. As it always is.
A lot to look forward to in 2015 with the arrival of our new baby so I'm glad we have that distracting us from the sadness of being away from family. It's times like these that we are hit hard by the sheer fact that we are far away from our family but on the other hand it makes our time together so very good.
So here's to 2015. 2014 was a good year for us and I know 2015 is going to bring even better things to us.
Happy new year!