Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cade's 9 week check up

Cade had another plunket check up this week. He is doing so well, and Aoife (our plunket nurse) is so happy with his development.

So what is he up to at this age?

Cade is breastfed on demand, usually every 1-2 hours and in between sleeps. He gets very moody between 5pm & 8 pm or as I've learned to call it, the "witching hour". He cluster feeds during this time and tends to fall asleep by 8pm. He will sleep for about 5-6 hours before waking for his next feed. He will then be awake every 1-2 hours and will dream-feed for the rest of the night until he is finally awake for the day at about 7am. 

He sleeps in his own cot but is still in our room, although mummy does spoil him a bit during those dream-feeds and keep him in the bed with us. It's just easier for all if mummy gets enough sleep, OK, so no judgment please! 

We are definitely starting to differentiate between his "hungry", "tired" and "irritable" cries. He loves tummy time and has started to recognise his toys and tries to grab them.

It's not easy seeing my boy unwell. The Bronchialitis has subsided now, after our trip to Aussie. He was such a joy to travel with and only cried when he was hungry.

He also knows our faces so well and gets really happy to see me and daddy when he gets home from work.
He is such a joy and I am so enjoying my time at home with him. 

Weight: 5.20kg's
Length: 60cm

Monday, September 7, 2015

Our Mid year Aussie Holiday

What a wonderful, relaxing week we've had.

Friday I had to take the boys back to the doctors to ensure they were all ok and healthy enough to fly. And they were. Marcus gave me a script for Cade for Amoxicillin, just in case he's temp surges and it's not just bronchialitis but we didn't need it. He and Darian didn't get any worse while over there, which was good. Friday morning however I took Darian to daycare so he didn't miss out on his Playball game. He won the player of the day medal but couldn't keep it as we were going to be away for the next game and wouldn't be able to return the medal. He was so chuffed with himself, and mummy was super proud too as he was the only one in his age group that was able to catch the ball. 

On the flight there they were both really good. Darian was super excited to be on an airplane again and sat quietly watching he's shows. Cade didn't flinch or cry the whole flight. We arrived quite late and I was worried Cade would never make the 2 hour drive to Newcastle but both he and Darian slept the whole way there. We arrived at Brads and Shams place just before midnight, Shaien, a friend of Brads was there as well so they all got to meet Cade. Darian just went straight to bed, which was good and Cade was wide awake and loving all he attention. We sat talking for a few hours then headed to bed. The next day was Xavier's party so it was a busy day. Cade, however was very crabby and moody. I think it was a mixture of jet lag and being sick do I spent most of the party in the room, trying to get him to settle. Darian was just loving the party atmosphere and had company with little Jessie, the son of Phil and Kim, friends of Brads and Sham. So he hardly noticed that mummy was MIA for most of the day. 

It was a lovely afternoon though and a very sweet party. 

Darian and Jesse were best friends

We spent the rest of the holiday just relaxing. Lazy days and eating all kinds of tummy food, just what holidays are all about.

We got home on Saturday afternoon after THE worst flight ever! Darian threw a massive tantrum when we got on the plane because he wanted the tv, and as we were in the front seats for the bassinet for Cade, the TV would come up from under the seat. But during taxi & take off we had to put it away, so he screamed and cried while Cade slept through it all. Then on landing, we had the same issue but it got worse when he realised we were leaving the airplane. It was very hard trying to carry Cade while Cameron tried to carry the bags and keep Darian in check. And then it got worse as we got to passport control because Cade woke up, hungry! I couldn't leave the line and it was the busiest I've ever seen it that day with 2 immigration officers at the desks! Urgh! Go figure! So we had two kids screaming and crying! We were THOSE parents! WORST. EXPERIENCE. EVER!!! By the time we got to baggage claim we just couldn't deal, and one of the customs officers allowed us to bypass the line, because of our screaming children and go through X-ray through a special line.
My mum picked us up at the airport and I couldn't get to the car quicker just to feed Cade. I've never been so agitated in my life and felt really guilty for taking it out on my boy who was just over tired and too excitable! He love airplanes and didn't want to go but because mummy and daddy were just as tired and lost our cool too many times. 

It wasn't a very pleasant trip home but it was a great time away. We are hoping that we can have a good Christmas and that the family comes over this year. Our first Christmas in NZ since Darian was born! 

Can't wait!