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Cade Israel Pillay

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Cade's 5 month check up

I cannot believe our little Cade is 5 months old already. I'm so enjoying this age. He is starting to move around now and has started to crawl, backwards mostly but moving nonetheless. He is turning over and loves seeing his brother and dad. He will get on all fours and rock back and forth until he can lunge himself forward.

He had a viral infection last week with a red rash all over his body and his eyes. We couldn't necessarily figure out what caused it but our doctor has given us an all clear that it's not anything serious. When he had cradle cap earlier on, Marcus had prescribed a Urea cream that still seems to work on his skin, although he hasn't completely gotten rid of his sensitive skin, we are finally starting to enjoy the baby soft skin he should have.

He is also eating solids now, has been for a few weeks. Loves veggies and fruits and of course has his rice cereal in the mornings. I've also started introducing formula in preparation for my return to full time work. He is doing well and hasn't had any issues on the formula. He will have mainly just one formula feed during the day and at time where I have to be away for an extended period such as grocery shopping or if I'm busy with Darian we will give him another formula feed. He has taken to the bottle really well and is trying to hold it himself, albeit unsuccessfully!

He is still sleeping in his own cot in our room, will continue to do so until he is at least 12 months old. 

He can clearly make known what he wants and has discovered his voice, especially when he wants to be picked up. He will push himself off you and almost catapult himself in the direction of the person he wants. Definitely a strong willed boy who knows what & who, he wants.

Still in love with his big brother, now that he is moving he finds it easier to get to where Darian is and will sit back and laugh and chuckle at Darian's shenanigans.

Weight: 7.60kg's
Length: 65cm