Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Darian - 8 week update

Our little boy is 8 weeks old. How time flies. I cannot believe how quickly it's gone, just the other day I had a huge belly and was waiting expectantly for our little bundle to arrive. And now he is almost 2 months old. He is such a blessing to us and we cannot be more grateful. Here's what's happened in the last few weeks. At 6 weeks he had his immunisations. He was a trooper, but when he got his jab he cried bitterly and Daddy was right there to comfort him and give him lots of cuddles. He is smiling more and making lots of sounds. He is very interactive. He loves staring at faces and mimicking whatever you do. He loves his mummy & daddy and smiles for us everytime we enter the room or talk to him, and looks for us by turning his head to and fro to wherever we are. He is sleeping well during the day and at night. Although it's been very cold he's been good by sleeping in his cot all night. His feeds have been good too, although he hasn't kept to his 3 hourly feeds he is such a good feeder so when he's hungry he feeds well enough until his ready again. He has steadily put on about 200g a week and at his last check with Megan the Plunket nurse (Friday the 8th) he was a whopping 5.2kg's. He measures 59cm in length according to Megan and is in the 75th percentile of kid's his age. He love tummy time and plays well with all his soft toys. He loves his caterpillar, a gift from Ricki, a work friend of mine. He "talks" to his soft toys all the time and tries very hard to grab them. He successfully grabbed and held one of his little toys, Tiggah, a little rattle that Mrs Martin gave him. He loves to kick and has fun at bath time. He is so strong and stands firm and even climbs with his feet if you hold him up. He has enjoyed his time at home with his grandparents and I am so grateful that he has had this time where he can be doted on 100% by them all. Here are a few pics from the last few weeks of Darian:


Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh, he's so cute!!!!

I wanna come visit!
Hugs all around.

Love you guys
Nicole Donn

V-n-J said...

He is doing so great and looks so alert and just beautiful!