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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

16 week update

So today we had our 16 week check up with Renee. It was the first appointment for this pregnancy Cameron was able to get to, as he's been so busy the last few months. I was super excited that he was there though, and we got to hear baby's heartbeat, my second, Cameron's first. Renee was happy and says it sounds strong and typical of a healthy, active baby! What more could I ask for. The heartbeat was between 130-150 beats per minute, depending on when baby moved or rested. If old wives tales are anything to go by, the heart rate shows it's a boy. Well, we'll see. We have an anatomy scan at 20 weeks, which is just short of a month from today and this is when we'll find out the gender. That's hoping baby doesn't cross his/her legs and not show us!

Renee is referring me to a Physio as I've been battling with aches and pains especially in my back. She says they will also give me a belly belt free of charge too so that's a saving, as we were going to buy one today. She says that the aches I've been feeling are all normal and is just ligament pain but I should watch out for any pain that doesn't go away with panadol (paracetamol) and/or rest, and of course if there is any bleeding.

We see her in another month, March 10th.

I just wanted to share a picture of Renee as I'm not sure I've done this before.

We also covered pain relief options today and I finally found my old notes from my pregnancy with Darian which I was able to share with Renee. She was quite shocked to see that Debbie was our midwife with Darian, as she works with Debbie now in her new role in Diabetes Support.

I can't believe that we are almost halfway. Time is really ticking by fast.

This is me at 16 weeks, 3 days (today).

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