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Cade Israel Pillay

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Cade's 3 month check up

Our little boy is 3 months old, well almost... not exactly the 6th but it's close enough.

We had his plunket appointment on Friday and as usual, he is doing extraordinarily well.

Here's what Cade has been up to this month:

Still feeds on demand, exclusively breastfed. He has good days with no fussing yet some nights we revert to that ever tiring "witching hour". I've come to the realisation that "aids" such as Infacol and Gripe water don't do much, I'm not convinced otherwise YET, however I'm outnumbered in the house hold at the moment, both Mum & Cameron are convinced that these are aiding him with his upset or griping tummy. I believe his tummy is quite sensitive and as a breastfed baby I have to be ever so careful about what I eat or drink, as it does have an effect on him. I've started massaging his tummy to alleviate the discomfort of winds and gas and this is helping. I've also learned that shorter feeds with more breaks for winding is helping so much and I've noticed the distinct difference in his fussiness when I do this.

He is getting bigger and sturdier and loves more and more tummy time. He loves having play time and these times are getting longer and longer. I'm afraid the "baby" days are going to be over sooner than I think. He is totally enamored with his big brother and wants to be off, wherever Darian is. He recognises Daddy and Darian's voices now and will stop whatever he is doing when he hears either of them and of course will coo and aah at them almost as if he too is part of the conversation.

I think the teething phase has begun as the drooling is becoming more and more.

Weight: 5.88kg's
Length: 61cm

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