Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ode to Family

You know the hardest part about being away from home is being away from family.

Our family is not only our parents and siblings, aunts or uncles, nieces or nephews. Our family includes all those people who mean something to us, people who have played a pivotal role in our lives. So to all those people (and you know who you are and what you mean to us) we just want to say that WE MISS YOU and although we are far away you are never far from our thoughts and always in our hearts.

Monday, October 12, 2009

70's Disco

This weekend a friend of our's had a birthday party and the theme was 70's Disco.

It was quite fun getting dressed up. Luckily we were able to rummage outfits together and we just bought some afro's and voila, instant 70's disco stars...

Everyone looked so cool in their get-up... All in all it was a fun night.