Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

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Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cade's 6 week check up

I cannot believe how fast time has gone, Cade is now 6 weeks old and had his first set of immunisations this week as well. We had his first visit to our Gp, Marcus Bishop who was very impressed with him and his progress. He took his vaccines very well and cried for only a moment and then began cooing and smiling at me and the nurse. They now give the Rotavirus vaccine orally which wasn't so bad cos he only had 2 injections, instead of 3. At the appointment I realised that he hasn't had his BCG vaccine yet, for TB, so got the doctors office to refer us to the BCG centre, so expecting his next vaccine in a few weeks.

At the doctors office ready for his first set of immunisations.

Renee discharged us a few weeks ago and we are now under the care of Plunket, our nurse is Aiofe. She's been very nice so far and I think it's going to go well. Cade now weighs 4.7kg's and is 54.5cm long, with a head circumference of 39cm. He is smiling and recognising faces and loves tummy time, already starting to do press ups when on his tummy. 

We see Aiofe every few weeks, we see her again in a months time.

We're off to Australia this week for Xavier's first birthday celebrations so this check up was also to ensure Cade was ok for the flight. He's had a cold all week and so has Darian so as well as taking Cade to the doctor this week I have to take him and Darian back on Friday before our flight for a check up and to confirm if we are going or not. Marcus diagnosed brochialitis for Cade but because we leave in the next 2 days he's unsure if it will get any worse. If it is what he thinks it is then it will get worse on day 3 and then better over the following 3 days. But if it's not he's temperature will surge while we're in Aussie and Marcus has told me to without a flicker of doubt, take him straight to the emergency department at the nearest hospital. I'm praying it doesn't get to that point and our boy will be fine. I'll keep you posted in a few weeks when we get back. We're looking forward to the break as well as celebrating with our nephew! It'll be the first time Brads and Sham will meet Cade and we're looking forward to seeing the boys interact with each other, now that they're all just a little older.