Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 17, 2011

Final Goodbyes

This has been the hardest goodbye ever for me. When I firt left it was hard, really hard but in my mind I thought, I'll see everyone again, just be strong. This time I couldn't! The last time I left everyone was there to say goodbye to me, and I had no idea that would be the last time I would ever see my brother Kale, ever again. So this time, I didn't want to leave without telling everyone how I felt, without holding onto them and capturing every moment.

We got to Durban International Airport, or rather King Shaka International Airport, now at it's new location. And my 2 little helpers were so cute!

It was so hard saying goodbye, I cried my heart out and just took forever hugging everyone. With Cameron just wanting to get out of there. He is not good with goodbyes so he likes it to be brief, I on the other hand just didn't want to say goodbye! Thankfully we weren't too late, we were the last people to get on the plane but we got on nevertheless. I don't know if it's a sign or anything, but as soon as we got on the plane and started to taxi, it literally started pouring with rain and storming, with lightning & thunder. The sky got black and it just poured down! It was as if what was in our hearts came through on the earth. For a moment I thought our flight would be cancelled, but we waited about 10 minutes then finally took off. It was so hard leaving Durban and the hardest part was that it wasn't actually over. We still had to see Wayne & Tish is Jo'burg which started the flooding of tears all over again. They must have thought I was so rude, but I just had no conversation. I just hung onto Cameron for dear life. I kept thinking f my mu, my brother and my nieces & nephew, of my in-laws and all our friends. And all I wanted to do was cry! But I put on a brave face and we finally went through Immigration and to International departures and found our gate.
Cameron found the Soccer World cup mascot, Zakumi and because we missed the World Cup in South Africa, he had to take a picture!

We flew from Jo'burg to Perth, Australia (6 hour flight) and when we got to Perth we had a few hours to waste. Perth International isn't a very big airport, so we didn't do much "window shopping" so just had some lunch and wasted some time and then got onto another 6 hour flight to Auckland.
We wasted time by logging onto Facebook and doing some blogging.

We eventually we got to Auckland and our friend Lenny & his dad picked us up!

It felt so weird being back. We just couldn't get over the fact that our holiday was over. Anyway, after 4 weeks of holiday it's time to get back to life as we know it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our trip home Part 3 - Saying goodbye

It's finally our last week in South Africa. It is so hard, even as I write this I have the biggest lump in my throat. I don't want to think about us leaving or anything like that, all I want to do is be positive and be strong.

In the past 3 weeks, we've seen our friends, caught up with family and done things we used to do when we were in SA. We went to Gateway and shopped and walked around aimlessly. We don't have such big shopping malls in NZ, and although we still do our shopping sprees like we used to, we really miss Gateway. Everyone used to laugh at us and want to know how we ever spend hours and hours in Gateway. But we love it! Anyway, we really enjoyed our time in SA. Besides the shopping, we hung out with our friends and got to see people we've missed so dearly over the past few years.We didn't get to spend any time on the beach, much to my dismay because it rained everyday, and when it didn't rain it was so extremely hot. In the 4 days that the sun did shine, it was so extreme that there was no way you could be anywhere else besides an airconditioned mall! People who dared go to the beaches ended up with sun stroke, or burned their feet (Literally) because the sand was so very hot! No jokes!

But with this being our last week, Cameron's parents really wanted to give us a farewell party. So we got everyone together again and had a do at home.

We've finally said goodbye to all the boys, Cameron hardly slept last night but I guess he really didn't want the time to come to an end. Neither did I. The time has come for us to get ready and board the plane and fly back to NZ. I love South Africa, this is our home, always & forever.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our trip home Part 2

For the most part we've mainly spent time at home with family & Friends and our focus was mainly to catch up with everyone and see how life's been wit people over the past 2 & a half years. Because there is just so many people we needed to see (and to those we didn't get to see, we're so sorry - Our hearts were in the right place we just ran out of time) we just got everyone together at home and just relaxed and made the best of it!

Here's just a few pics with everyone at home:
Danita, Kaylene, Jerusha & Jerushan (Always in front of the tv)

Brandon & Shannon

My mum & Aunty Maliga (Cam's aunt)

Me & Darryl

Mum & Angie

Kumaran & Cameron

Kumaran & I

Cameron & Kumaran have been friends for so long, and while we've been away Kumaran moved to Cape Town. So we were hopeful that we would see them but honestly we doubted it so much. But as usual this darling man took a flight to Durban to stay just for one night so he could see us! So we were ecstatic when he & his wife, Sandy walked through the door.
Just hanging out

This is a pic of my mom & one of her dearest friends, aunty Isabelle. They met when my mom was pregnant with me and have been best friends ever since. We always joke around because everytime they think about how long they've been friends they just think, "Oh how old is Corrinne now?". I love aunty Isabelle and she is like a second mother to me, and I was so happy that she and her husband Uncle Eddie came down from Eshowe just to see Cameron & I. And the funniest part is that they know all Cameron's family because they all gre up together in Clairwood, so they really just gelled with the family.

We are so grateful for the friends and family we have. It's been so good being at home! We're really gonna hate it when the time comes for us to go back to NZ...

Boys Night out

Ever since we've arrived Cameron's been wanting to have a boys night out but things have been so hectic with visiting family and just enjoying our time back home. So this being our last week we decided that there was no time like the present. The boys decided they would all go out but instead of a Boys Night we'd all go, partners included. Sadly, boys being boys they didn't plan as efficiently as I would've expected... LOL!!! So last minute Raunch (Derriyl), Wesley & Rattie (Asveer) pitch up sans girlfriends and there I was, the only rose among the thorns... I felt really bad crashing their boys night but these boys are such wonderful, sweet guys that I never felt out of place in the least.

We went for dinner at Primi Piatti and just hung around thereafter just enjoying each other's company.

These guys are more than just friends to Cameron & Bradley, they are family. They even go to the extent of checking up on our parents while we're away. We love, love, love these guys and miss them so so much.

The guys all had tequila shots and because I am not a big drinker the waiter suggested a shooter called "Chocolate Cake". It was delish, you drink it like a tequila shot (minus the salt) and have a slice of orange instead of lemon... and brown sugar on the rim of the glass. The best part is that you drink it and you're like woop-dee-doo what's the big deal, then you have the orange and WOWEEE... that chocolate taste hits you!! Yummy!!! It was so good I had two!

I really enjoyed my boys night out! It didn't end when we got home, well at least for them it didn't! I went straight to bed and these 4 carried on til the wee hours of the morning. All in all it was a great night and I am lucky to have been one of the boys, even for one night!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

It's so hard to believe that 2010 has come & gone. It's been a wonderful year, as with every other year it's had it's ups & downs and we've seen God's hand in our lives throughout the year. We've been fortunate enough to see the old year out and the new one in, here in the place where we call home, South Africa, surrounded by friends and family. We don't know when we'll ever get this chance again, so we are just enjoying every moment.

The weather has been miserable, it's been so excruciatingly hot and then it storms in the evenings. And New Years Eve was no exception. It stormed, like REALLY stormed on New Years Eve so we were quite anxious that we might not have had the chance to see the New Year in style, as we wanted. So many people wanted to have a quite night in, which is what can be expected, I suppose, with people in our lives, as many have small families and didn't want to be bombarded with crowds and drunkeness, I guess. But my dear cousin, Rafiek and his gorgeous wife and one of my closest friends, Angelique invited us over to their place to have a small get-together with friends. So we spent our New Years with them which was awesome. We got to catch up with friends and family that we wouldn't have had the chance to were it not for Rafiek & Angie. My other cousin, Georgia and her husband were there and our friends Candice & her husband, and Angie's brother Darryl, my darling, were there as well so it was a lovely intimate night.

I was the only non-drinker that night, which made for a whole load of fun, considerig everyone was nice & tipsy and enjoying themselves. So it made for great entertainment and an interesting night for everyone!

I took quite a bit of pics but have sworn not to put them up, and as I do fear for my life (LOL) I don't think I will take the chance. But here's a few of the evening that aren't oo bad...

Start of the night, over dinner

Angie & Candice

Rafiek & Georgia

Darryl & Georgia, Rafiek & Angie

Angie & Georgia

We really had a wonderful night with all of them.

After we eft Rafiek & Angie's we just went back to Orangewood (Cam's neighbourhood) and hung out with all our friends there. It turned out to be a great night and I know that 2011 is going to be a great year!

Happy New Year Everyone. I pray all God's blessings over your life and that all that you desire will come to pass in this year!