Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 22, 2014

And so grows our little family

Well, needless to say this Christmas is going to be a special one as we get ready to introduce our newest addition to our family.

Yes, we're pregnant with baby number 2! A very exciting time for us and we can't stop thanking God for the miracle which is life. We decided at the beginning of 2014 that we wanted to have another baby in 2015 so we have a 3 year gap between Darian and the new baby. So come, July I headed over to the GP for a check up and to ensure we're healthy enough to get pregnant the second time round. I had to have an MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccination and had to wait a minimum of 3 months before getting pregnant so the plan was set in motion. We started trying in October but failed on our first attempt. We were optimistic as we fell pregnant with Darian on our first attempt so thought it would happen the same way second time round. But alas, it didn't. Disappointed and surprisingly downcast, I was convinced there was an issue because it happened so quickly with Darian. Anyway, come the second cycle, I was not expecting anything until I realised I was due for my period in a few days but had no premenstrual signs or sumptoms, none of the usual aches and pains that come each month. So on the day of my missed period I was silently expecting that I was pregnant. On day 2, I took a home pregnancy test and low and behold, it was positive. It was a Saturday,  the 15th of November, Cameron and Darian were laying in bed and I yelled from the bathroom, oh wow! Cameron automatically replied with "you're pregnant". It was a very happy moment. I showed him the test and we both smiled at each other with these child-like smirks and told Darian he was going to be a big brother, his response, "no"! I guess someone's not ready to let go of the only child title! The rest of the morning went by in a bit of a blur, I couldn't process the information as easily as I did the first time. I felt a bit rusty and uninformed. Last time I had done so much research and done so much preperation that I felt like a specialist in the field! This time round it was so different. We waited a week before going to the GP's office & on Friday the 21st of November, he confirmed we were pregnant and that our due date is July 25th 2015. As with all early pregnancies I was very nervous and anxious so mum was the first call I made and asked her to pray for me. I know in my heart of hearts that this is a viable pregnancy and all will be well but there's always that doubt and it's essential to not let that doubt turn into fear, but allow the Holy Spirit to move, by replacing that doubt with Faith. And my mum, the prayer warrior and intercessor is just the person I need, to help me focus on the positive and keep my faith alive. 

We decided that we would wait to tell Cameron's  parents and Bradley and Shamini when we saw them at Christmas, as we had planned a family holiday to Brads and Sham to meet little Xavier and the folks were also coming to Aus, so this news would make the perfect Christmas gift. But our excitement did get the better of us, I told my friend, Dee, who works with me and Cameron told Felix, his workmate. And after a few weeks we ended up telling most of the people we work with, I guess you can't keep good news quiet for too long. I had to tell my boss, as I was offered a new role at work and felt it only right to be forthcoming so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not to offer me the role. That worked out in my best interest, as it was meant to be a fixed term role but ended up being a full time role. God is good!

On Friday the 12th of December I went for our first scan, I was exactly 8 weeks along. Baby is developing well and has a very strong heart beat, 162 beats per minute. The sonographer was very happy. As it was still quite early on, the yolk sac was stil visible but that's has now disappeared and baby will look so different at our next scan in 3 weeks.

Here's our little bundle.

Very exciting! The minute I saw my baby, I instinctively said, "hello mummy's baby", thankfully the sonographer didn't hear or didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary cos she didn't flinch, unless of course it was all in my head and not out loud! Lol! 

In Tuesday the 16th of December, I visited the midwife. Sadly, Debbie Ross who delivered Darian has since stopped practising and I had to find a new midwife. Thankfully I came across Renee Roux De Buisson, and instinctively felt drawn to her and after a 2 minute conversation she took me on as a patient. After we met, I felt very comfortable with her and I believe she is the right person. She is young and has only been practising for a year but I felt peace with her and I've learned that Peace is Gods umpire, if you don't feel peace then it's not of God. So I'm learning to trust my instinct and the leading of the Holy Spirit. And believe she  is the right person. I do so wish I had Debbie but it is what it is.

That same week chatting to Premika she strangely started questioning me on being pregnant, I don't know how she guessed it but she did. I did my best to steer the conversation in another direction but after chatting to Cameron decided we couldn't go on holiday and not tell them so on Friday 19th, on our way to the airport we called them and told them the good news. They were very excited for us.

We flew to Sydney that day and when we arrived at Bradley and Sham's place in Newcastle, NSW we handed them envelopes with what we described as Christmas cards Darian had made at daycare, but was actually personalised Christmas cards with the pic of the ultrasound and the words, "Congratulations, you're going to be an une/aunty again". Their reactions were priceless and their excitement contagious. They couldn't believe we kept it from them but we explained we wanted this trip to be about meeting Xavier and not on us being pregnant. Also we wanted to tell them in person. 

The in laws arrive on Christmas Eve and we'll share the news with them then so I'll keep you posted on their reaction.

So far this pregnancy has been good, as with my last pregnancy the first trimester is overshadowed with nausea and exhaustion, but even more so this time round trying to take care of a rumpunctious toddler. This time round food aversions include meat and chicken, not just chicken as it was with Darian. I went through a few weeks of only wanting smoothies & all I want to eat is carbs and crave salted foods. Again, peppermint helps a lot to ease the nausea. Trying to keep the fluids up and again, I find fruit is my friend. Bedtime comes at 8:30pm when Darian goes down for the night and I find myself needing an afternoon nap which can never happen. Bouts of nausea in the morning which I've avoided now, learning to have a slice of toast and a cup of tea when I wake up. I have to eat small meals throughout the morning to avoid the nausea but by 2pm in the afternoon it hits me again and it stays with me throughout the evening and the only relief  comes with sleeping. Cooking is a bit of an issue but my darling husband has been very understanding and although we are trying to avoid take outs, we do buy food on days when I just can't manage to cook anything. 

We've been in Aus now for a few days and I am totally useless, I think I may be a bit jet lagged as all I want to do is lay around and not move, nausea hits me all times of the day but I'm hoping Brads and Sham understand and don't think I'm a lazy sod. Cameron keeps saying to me you can't lay around all day but I just can't bring myself to move.

We are now in week 9 and I am excitedly waiting for week 12 to come round for some relief from this nausea and exhaustion. Trimester 2 is always a great time for me so I can't wait for it to come. I head back to see Renee the week we're back in Auckland and go for a scan the same week. Haven't taken a bumpie yet, although I'm already showing, doesn't help that I haven't lost the baby weight from the first pregnancy so I already look about 5 months pregnant but hey, that's just the way I like it. Lol!

Super excited for the new adventure and seeing my baby boy become a big brother. Cameron and I both think it's a girl but obviously we will be happy with anything.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The night I saw my girl in the flesh

I've been a die hard Mariah Carey fan since day one. I remember my sister buying her debut album and that awesome vinyl with this beautiful woman with big curly locks on the cover became the soundtrack to my then 7 year old self.  My sister would complain endlessly that I was always in her stuff! I couldn't help it, that voice was just angelic and all I ever listened to. I memorised every song, and by the time Emotions, her second album, was released a year later I was her biggest fan.

I grew up in a very religious home and listening to any secular music was a complete no no so listening to these songs were not encouraged by my folks and neither was going to concerts. So as much as I wanted to see her live, I wouldn't have been able to should she had ever come to South Africa. And she never did while I was in SA. And I noticed as I gre older that she mostly did Asia-Pacific and the U.S. So my dream of ever seeing her live had become just that, a dream. A few years back I missed an opportunity to see her live in Sydney while we were holidaying in Australia. As sad as that was for me it was near impossible and I just had to get over it. With the release of "Me. I am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse" this year she announced her first world tour in what I think is 6 years. I knew she'd go to Australia but when I heard she was coming to New Zealand for the first time ever, the shriek that belted out of me was enough for anyone to know that come hell or high water I would be there. Needless to say, the day the tickets went on sale I was online and ready to buy. My darling husband purchased me Diaomnd Reserve tickets which meant I was guaranteed a seat within the first few rows. I was ecstatic!

I waited for a month and a half and when the day came I couldn't contain my excitement. When she walked onto the stage, I, unlike all the screaming fans, burst into uncontrollable tears. I'd been waiting a lifetime to see this woman in person and to hear that voice with my own ears. And from the fifth row, it felt like it was just me and her in the room. Every song in her set transported me not only to a little slice of heaven but to a moment in my life where her album was the soundtrack of my life. From her opener, Daydream, where an 12 year old me would want to learn how to roller skate cos she did so in her video, to "crybaby" when a 16 year old version of me went out to buy my own very first Mariah Carey album with money I'd been saving for months. Even singing "Touch My body" I remembered this being my first album she released since immigrating to NZ. So much of my life has been lived with a Mariah album playing in the background. 

Needless to say I didn't sit down throughout her concert. I enjoyed every song, even listening to Trey Lorenze, who both Cameron and I were so excited to see. It was such a memorable night, one I will cherish for the rest of my life.

I said to Cameron that I could die a happy woman, when I do, and as dramatic as that sounds, it's so true. Seeing her has been something I've wanted for so long and anyone who is passionate about something in their life would understand that. I'm a passionate MC fan or "Lamb" as she affectionately calls her fans and seeing her live has made me even more so.

Here are just some snaps Cameron took while at the concert and some from before the show, with friends of ours and of Titanium, the opening act, NZ's very own. Boy band.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Labour day weekend 2014

So this past weekend was the most anticipated long weekend we've ever had. Not for anything special but just for he mere fact that we've been working so hard and we just really needed a time out. 

The weekend got off to a good start, on Friday Ashley arrived promptly at 6pm to babysit Darian and Cam and I headed into the city for dinner with friends at Tony's Restaurant. We had a lovely dinner and then headed to Aotea Theatre for the Trevor Noah show. It's the first time he headlined in NZ and he did not disappoint. Was a great start to the weekend. Needless to say the theatre was filled with South Africans and we met quite a few of our SA friends after the show. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take any pics and he didn't even come meet the crowd afterward so snaps of him.

Saturday morning was our usual morning of cleaning, washing, blah blah blah... But as it was probably the best day weather wise since the beginning of spring, we decided to not waste the day and headed to Wynyard Quarter. Lenny, Prenika and Kajal met us there and the kids had a great afternoon playing in the playground and watching the boats on the water. 

We then headed to Jack Tar for drinks and an early dinner and then headed home. Lenny, Premika and Kajal stayed over at ours so the kids came home and had loads of fun playing together, and even more so getting into the bathtub and splashing around. 

The guys went and got some dessert for us and after the kids and mums went to sleep the two dads spent all night playing FIFA on XBOX. 

Sunday we headed off to Manukau to a South African Braai Day hosted by a local NZ based, South African radio station, SA NZ Radio Live. It was a really cool set up with a really good turn out. We got our gazebo up and were joined by a few SA friends and spent the afternoon enjoying some South African music, food and friends. The kids spend the whole afternoon running around and playing on the jumping castle. I almost lost my head a a group of big kids who were pushing and climbing over the little kids on the jumping castle. Darian was enjoying himself until some kids scared him and he was besides himself. The worst part was that I couldn't get to him. My heart felt as though it would rip through my chest but a cute little girl who was probably about a year older than him saw his distress and instantly tried to help him and held his hand to help him come down the slide, but as the bigger kids pushed she slipped and pulled Darian along with her and that just made it worse. Needless to say he didn't get back on and a few of the kids got a piece of my mind, next minute they announced no kids over the age of 10 on the jumping castle and they started having times per age group on the jumping castle. Too late for my little one but oh well... Besides that, it was a good afternoon, Darian got over his fright quickly and thankfully he wasn't hurt. He spent the next few hours just running around and playing with the other kids, and of course dancing around, especially when the song Jika came on.

For some reason the organisers asked anyone and everyone who came in with a VW to park at the front of the grounds and display their cars. I didn't get why but I guess it's true, South Africans love their VW's. Pity I sold mine but Premika had hers on display too...

Monday was Labour Day but wasn't a very nice day weather wise so we just stayed home and in the afternoon headed to The Warehouse to get some storage boxes for Darian's old stuff. We rearranged his room and did a bit of a spring clean to end our long weekend.

And that is the last long weekend and Public Holiday NZ will have til Christmad so you can bet by the time Christmas comes around we will be longing for a break.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My 31st birthday surprise

I have to start this post highlighting how my hubby outdid himself this year. It's been 11 years of sharing my birthday with him, and each year it gets better and better.

A few weeks before my birthday he asked me to be home early the Friday before, his reason, so we can start the celebration early. No questions asked I was like sure, anything to start the weekend early, especially if it's my bday weekend! He then told me we would be going out for dinner the Thursday night, still no heads up, I thought it was just super special to start my birthday a few days before. But the Wednesday before I enquiries what the plans were, as I thought I'll need to get home, sort Darian and still get myself ready but I was told that the babysitter had been booked already! Wow, a night with just the two of us... What a treat! We never have that anymore, I was super excited.

So Thursday we headed out to Gengy's Japanese restaurant on Ponsonby Road, just the two of us! 

Ashley, the babysitter arrived promptly at 6pm and Darian was happy to wave goodbye to his parents! We enjoyed a beautiful 7 course meal, a chance to try a different cuisine. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sushi, sashimi, miso soup, tempura prawns and veggies,  crispy Asian salad, honey soy salmon, teriyaki beef and for dessert tempura battered banana and vanilla ice-cream! 

As we were enjoyed our meal I said to Cameron that he would have to drop Ashley off at home cos I wasn't in the mood to get home and still drive, he's response, "that's ok cos you have to go home and pack"! I was taken aback, what, pack?!?!? Why?!?! Where were we off too?!?! Needless to say he kept the surprise well. So I did just that when we got home, packed! All I was told to pack warm clothes, which wasn't much of a giveaway considering we're in the middle of winter. The only time the destination was given was when I had to find the place on the Navigation system, so he had to tell me. Paihia in the beautiful Bay of Islands, at the top of the North Island of New Zealand. I've always wanted to visit there and was super stoked we were going. It was a long drive, 3 and a half hours, but just beautiful. Darian was so well behaved so we didn't have to stop at all.

An awesome view of the sun setting over a serene landscape as we traveled up North.

Upon check in at the gorgeous Copthorne Hotel & Resort, we were disturbed by a knock on the hotel room door. I opened up to find Lenny, Premika & Kajal at the door... so surprised! We then went for dinner at the hotel's Waitangi resturant. A bit of issues with Cameron's meal who seemed to have issues throughout the weekend with food. No matter where we went, something went wrong with his food and it left him very unsatisfied. He will not give anyone good food reviews after that experience. But for the rest of us, it was amazing food. We then headed back to the hotel room and enjoyed some pre-birthday drinks to see my birthday in. I had a massive headache for some strange reason but had to stay up til midnight.

The next morning, we went for breakfast then headed off to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. I love history and as we never learned about NZ history, I am very intrigued by it. This was where the Maori chiefs and British representatives signed a Treaty to live together, recognising Maori ownership of NZ Land. History points out some discrepancies with exactly what was agreed to, as to who had sovereign power, but the bottom line was that both parties agreed to live in peace. Standing on the same land where battles were fought for the freedom of NZ People, being in the same house that James Busby and his family built and lived in all those years ago, was something very special to me. I think NZ history is rich and as a mother of a child who will learn this history in school, I just wanted to absorb as much of it as I could. My darling husband knows me well and knew this was my thing, so allowed me to roam the house and the grounds freely, while he ran around after Darian, who was having a grand ole time.

Here are just a few pics of the Day:

Darian & Kajal on the way to dinner at Waitangi Restaurant, Copthorne Hotel & Resorts, Bay if Islands. I loved how they held hands everywhere we went!

View from our hotel room on the morning of my birthday. Weather wasn't great but the view was so beautiful!

A recreated version of the original Treaty hangs above the entrance to the Grounds.

Entry to the Treaty Grounds

Daddy & Darian 

Mummy & Darian

Premika and I with the kids

The grounds where the treaty was signed. One of the traditional dancers walks across to the Marae 

Cameron & Premika keeping the kids busy while I walk the grounds

The British Residency

The grounds 

The Marae with traditional dancers performing

Waka Taua (Ceremonial War Canoe), the largest in the world, which sails once every year on Waitangi Day. The Treaty  grounds Trust looks after this waka on behalf of all the tribes of the Far North Island.

After the morning at the grounds, we went into the town to see what it had to offer. Darian wasn't on his best behaviour and even though a Movenpick ice-cream cone kept him quiet for a while, the fact that mum tried to avoid drippage, resulted in a major meltdown and it wasn't the ice-cream that melted! We then walked through the town with a screaming child and went back to the hotel. Mr was asleep not long after that and everyone, besides the birthday girl had an afternoon nap. 

Afterward we just hung out at the hotel and the kids and I played in the sand before the rain came down. 

We then went out for birthday dinner at 35 degrees South, a beautiful restaurant with a 60,000 litre salt water fishtank. The kids were in awe and stared at the fish for hours. We had a great meal (most of us) and then headed back to the hotel for dessert - Room service anyone!

Once back at the hotel we thought we realised that one of my favourite movies was playing - Sister Act 2. So we all sat in front of the tv and watched it and ordered room service. A great end to a superb night.

The next morning, after a big breakfast we checked out and headed back home.

I am truly grateful for the blessings in my life and this weekend proved to me how truly blessed I am. With a  family who loves me, a husband who spoils me and friends who are always there for me I realise that there is not much else in the world I could ask for.

So, 31 years have past. It's hard to believe but God has been by my side through it all. I've learned a lot of lessons in life and looking back, I see God's hand over my life, through every turn, every tribulation and heartache, with every smile, every tear, my life is filled with wonderful memories and bad decisions but it's my life. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without those experiences. I now have a husband who has been specifically chosen to be mine, a son who through all the tantrums is indeed the "Sunshine of my life" and my life is full of all the things I've dreamed of. I can only thank God for keeping me these 31 years and look forward to the rest of my life, wherever it may lead.
