Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 13, 2012

4th year anniversary & Week 39

Cameron and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary yesterday. It's hard to believe that we are married for 4 years already but when I think about it, it seems like just yesterday that we made our vows to love, honour and cherish each other til death do us part. We've really been through so much over the past 4 years, immigrating, leaving our family, losing loved ones but we've also have gained so much, bought our first home together, having our first baby and growing closer and closer each and every day. We have been truly blessed over the past 4 years and we are so grateful to God for all that he has given us and all that He has planned for us. And after 4 years of marriage I still feel so in love and so grateful to God for my husband, he is truly amazing and I love that I get to grow old with my best friend!

Anyway, enough of me going gaga over my husband... because we were a mere 4 days away from baby's estimated due date we decided we wouldn't do much celebrating so we just stayed home this year, which is very weird for us!!! Although I got the most beautiful bunch of roses...

... and we had a lovely dinner at home, Chicken Tikka with spicy rice, mint & cucumber riata and a green salad...

We had dinner for 3 as my mum is with us for a few months for baby's birth but it was an anniversary celebration nontheless.

This week marks 39 weeks of pregnancy, we're days away from baby's due date and we're starting to get really nervous and REALLY impatient. Both Cam & I really want this baby out now... me because I am so highly uncomfortable and him because he just wants to meet his child and well, we're both eager to see who this child will look like more! I'm sure all new parents go through this. The Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming really intense and today was the first day that I timed them, this morning they were coming about every 10-15 mins and last for about 40-90 seconds. But this afternoon has been quite "uneventful", I've only noticed 2 contractions in the past 3 hours. I had a scan today too, Cameron couldn't make it because he is trying very hard to finish off his work in case baby comes next week and so mum accompanied me to the scan. She was so excited to see baby's heartbeat and face and spine, etc. The sonographer estimates baby's current weight at 3.8kg's, a whole kilo more than the last scan a mere 4 weeks ago. But baby is growing well (oh no, here comes a contraction... I spoke to soon)... and we can't be more happier that all is going well.

(Sorry I've tried so many times to upload this pic but it doesn't want to come out the right way round, so this is the best view I could get, you can see baby's face and an outline of the eyes.)

As you can see baby is still in a posterior position so we really need to work on getting him/her to face the right way round and get into an anterior position, also baby's body is on my left side and the legs and arms are out on my right side, which is WRONG! S/he should be the total opposite way round!!! Laying on my left side isn't working and being on all fours isn't working either, so I'm open to any ideas or comments on how to get baby into the right position. Deb says if baby is still in this position when I go into labour we will deal with it then, I am praying though that baby turns before then and if not while in labour at least, so that we don't have any medical interventions like ventouse or forceps and my ultimate nightmare, a C-Section, and so that no pain medication like an epidural is needed (if baby stays in a posterior position, I will have a very painful back labour which is not what I want).

This is a picture Deb showed me of the different positions babies take in utero and our little munchkin is in the ROP position so right occiput posterior. And note to self, DO NOT GOOGLE POSTERIOR BIRTHS.... OMG just scared the life out of me!!!

Okay, last time I blogged that I was diagnosed with SPD and my apologies for not explaining what that is exactly. Babycenter.co.au explains Symphis Pubis Dysfunction as "The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments. To help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which softens the ligaments. As a result, these joints move more during and just after pregnancy, causing inflammation and pain."

Read more: http://www.babycenter.com.au/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/physicalhealth/pelvicpain/#ixzz1rtaCV0I4

It's really really painful and is more intense when I've been lying down or sitting for a long period and then get up or try to move. It's hard even putting pants on because having to balance on one leg puts added pressure on the groin area which is very painful and walking itself is really uncomfortable. I can only minimise the pain by wearing a pregnancy belt which is so highly expensive and considering I know no-one who's had this there's no one to borrow one from, and as we only have a few days to go it seems crazy to have to spend that much money on one for such a short time. So yes, I am being very strong trying to get through this pain!!! Anyone feel sorry for me yet!!! LOL!!! Anyway, I guess labour pain will be 10 times worse so this is like practice for it!!!

We've taken another belly pic to commemorate this week, I've tried putting together a collage of all the belly pics but alas my file got corrupted and I need to start again and well, being on the computer for too long doesn't help the Carpel tunnel and numbness in my hands so I will try my best to do that when I can.

Please mind the stretch marks!!! LOL!!!

So with 3 days to go we're hoping and praying for a complication free labour and birth and praying that this baby decides to come sooner rather than later, but I have to keep reminding myself that it's all in God's perfect time so I need to be patient!

Who knows, maybe in a few days we will have a little boy or girl in our arms or even next week this time!! All in all, we thanking God for this time in our lives.

Until the next post.... ciao!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mum's 62nd birthday

Today we celebrated mum's birthday with her. We've missed a few of her birthdays with us being away from home so we had to take the opportunity to celebrate with her this year.

To start the day her & I went for breakfast at the little cafe around the corner from home called Fuze. We thought we'd do a bit of shopping but the weather has been quite depressing over the past few days with Tropical Cyclone Daphne running rampant in the Pacific so we've been dealing with strong winds and rain for a few days. So we didn't want to take a chance driving to the mall and then just came home and spent some time together. We ended up just relaxing at home and chatted all afternoon, like old times! We then went to Lone Star for dinner once Cameron got home from work. We had a blast... laughed and joked and talked for hours and then made our way home.

We really had a fabulous evening celebrating with mum, Happy birthday Ma, here's to another 62 years.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


My mum brought a few old photo's with her which really stirred me up. Although I do have some old baby pics of me it's so nice to see some of my favourites, and because I want to actually have a few collages of me & Cam as a baby along with our babie's pics it was a nice little gift that mum thought of.

Here's a few that she brought. these are my faves...

This is from my first birthday, my aunt (mum's sister) Elaine is carrying me here.

Here I was about 3 years old and it was Christmas at my mum's parents house. I'd just got this doll as my christmas gift and was too chuffed about it.

And this is a pic of my brother Kale with my granny (mum's mum) at our house in Newlands East, don't know if it was a special occassion but it's such a beautiful picture.

I love old photo's. Wish I could have more. I remember we had tonnes of photo albums at home & I would page through these all the time looking at all our baby photos and I'm so grateful I have some to add to my own albums.

Thanks mama for the wonderful gift.