Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Darian Elijah Pillay

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Cade Israel Pillay

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 1, 2016

The year that was 2015

It's that time again. Time for reflection, time to make a change! Out with the old and in with the new. 

2015 was an extraordinary year. In it was the birth of our second child, Cade Israel which was clearly the highlight of our year. I've spent the last 6 months on maternity leave which has allowed me to spend that extra time being with Cade full time and spending more time with Darian as he only goes to daycare 3 days a week now. I've watched my boys grow and become more and more in love with each other, and that has been the greatest blessing in my life this year. 

We've also been blessed to purchase a second house. A daunting task yet an exciting one as well. Construction on our new home starts in early 2016. So something for us to look forward to in the new year. Last year we found out we were pregnant with Cade and so 2015 started off with a lot of excitement and preparation. 2016 has a new home on the horizon and who knows what else lies in store for us. 

I don't know what the year will bring but I'm excited to watch my boys grow and know that whatever comes our way this year it's going to be a year full of milestones and God's abundance and I couldn't ask for anything more!

Welcome 2016, I look forward to getting to know you better!